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Frictionless Forms

TLDR: Use frictionless form to increase the number of pre-qualified leads you generate or sales you make.

Frictionless Forms

What are frictionless forms?

Frictionless forms allow visitors to your website to find out information, such as pricing, before they get in touch or make a purchase.

TLDR: Use frictionless form to increase the number of pre-qualified leads you generate or sales you make.

Why are frictionless forms useful for marketing?

One of the main goals of marketing is to build an audience who are potential customers.

Frictionless forms are useful for marketers because in reducing the amount of effort users need to enter their information, the likelihood that they will complete the form and provide the desired data increases.

frictionless forms diagram

Where can I see a frictionless form in action?

You can see an example of a frictionless form right here (please note – the prices shown are purely for example purposes. But it should give you a great idea of how these forms work to allow a visitor to work out a price (or whatever) before they reach out and contact you. As a result, the enquiries tend to convert at a higher rate.

Frictionless Form Example

Simply complete the form below to see how it works.

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