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Lead Magnets

TLDR: Lead Magnets are an excellent way to generate leads for your business. With a Really Good Website you don’t need to invest in expensive third party tools, they can be easily managed on your website.

Lead Magnets

What are lead magnets?

In brief, lead magnets are pieces of content, such as ebooks, white papers, checklists, webinars, and more that businesses offer in exchange for a visitor’s contact information.

TLDR: Lead Magnets are an excellent way to generate leads for your business. With a Really Good Website you don’t need to invest in expensive third party tools, they can be easily managed on your website.

Why are lead magnets important for marketing?

Because lead magnets are an effective tool for getting potential customers to provide you with their contact information, they’re a great way to grow your email list with ‘warm leads’, create interest in your product or service, and start building relationships with prospective customers.

Digram showing how lead magnets work on a website.

Lead Magnets are an essential website tool for lead generation.

Again, lead magnets can be split tested in order to increase their effectiveness at gathering leads for you.

How would my website use them?

The types of lead magnet you decide to offer is entirely up to you, but we can happily talk through ideas with you.

But from a technical delivery point-of-view, most lead magnets tend to utilise some or all of the following features:-

  • Form
  • Email Marketing
  • Landing Page
  • Split Testing
  • Analytics
  • Re-marketing

There are some very effective stand-alone lead magnet solutions in the market place today, but all those features either come as standard with a Really Good Website or can be easily added should you wish.